Monday, September 29, 2008

Iran and Iranian Fruad

The name Iran was adopted in 15 century by the Saffavids Azeri Turks. Shah Ismael adopted Iran from Ferdowsi Shahnameh.

Shahnameh is epic stories written in 10 century by Ferdowsi. Ferdowsi created an imaginary country called Iran-Zamin or the land of Iran in his book. In reality most of the country Iran Zamin was outside Iran in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Kashmir. Only Tous was in Khorasan Iran.

It is very funny that when Shah Ismail Saffavid was adopting the name of Iran from Ferdowsi legends, his advisor told him that "We do not know where this country (Iran) is located."!!!!! The name Iran in Shahnameh has nothing to do with any Aryans. The country of Ferdowsi was a very diverse country and was not related to Aryans even Aryans might have lived there.

Iranian was adopted by Azeri Turk Qajar dyansty in 18 century from European books. Iran and Iranian are both fake identities created by Azeri Turks to create a new identity for themselves.

European used "Iranian" to describe people who speak an Iranian language. By Iranian, Europeans in 18 century Europe did not mean "An Iranian Ethnicity". The "Iranian" used by Azeri Turks is actually used as a name of an "Non-Existant Ethnicity".

Under Parthian-Persian Sassanian dynasty in 6 century, Iran was called Eran-wez or Eran-Shahr. But Eran is not related to Iran at all. They are not the same country name.

Cyrus the Great says: " I am a Persian, son of a Persian, of Aryan lineage". Cyrus the Great does not say he is an "Iranian".

If Iranian was an ancient name then why Afghans have never heard of it until 18 century and why Afghans are not calling themselves "Iranians".

The real name of Iran is Khorasan. Khorasan means the "The Land of Rising Sun".

Comic TV Show: Azeri Turk Theories of Anthropology

Comic TV Show: Azeri Turk Theories of Anthropology

Iran is the land of Aryan. This means everybody in Iran is an Aryan. Even Turks who came thousands of years later and murdered many Aryans such as Zoarastrians and Kurds are also aryans. It also means Persians migrated to Iran which was an empty country in 2000 BC. Persians migrated to "all over Persia" as the country was totally "Empty". All Persians had blond hair and blue eyes. Persians established the Persian Empire. Anywhere Persians invaded those people also became "Persians". That includes Palestinians, Eqyptians, North Africans , and all Turks in central Asia and finally all Indians and Pakistanis. Everybody is Persian from North Africa to Palestine to Arabia to Armenia to Central Asia to India. Even Anatolian Turks are "Persians".

Suddently arabs invaded Persia in 6 century. Arabs had great genetic impact. Persians hair became dark and their eyes too. Now Persians are Arabs. There is no difference between Persians , Arabs and Azeris and all are the same people and you can tell the difference between a Persian and an Azeri Turk.

There are only two exceptions: Azeri Turks "Aryans" such as Farrah Pahlavi Diba and Gogoosh are the real "Azeri Turks with Aryan origin" who are entirely different from Persians. Unfortunately Azeri Turks have only these two "Aryans" as the rest of them do not look like these two. One is from Gilan and the other can speak only a few Azeri words!!!!! And both them used to be Persians.

Iran have only "Iranians". An Iranian looks like an Azeri Turk. That is the only phenotype in Iran. There is some linguistic difference between Iranians but nobody should fall into Zionist and American conspiracies and believe there are different ethnicities in Iran. Everybody in Iran is "Iranian". Only IRANIAN. Anybody who uses another ethnicity name will go to jail. Also all "Iranians" are Shia Moslem. We "Iranians" are %100 Shias. The rest of religions are all American and British conspiracies.

Azeri Turk President Khatami and Nobel "Million dollar Lottery Winner" Shirin Ebadi have become Champions of minorities such as Bahais. The Nobel Prize Winnder Shirin Ebadi's daughter have just "converted" to Bahai religion. Shirin Ebadi herself is planning to convert to Jewish religion. Shirin Ebadi has a long list of religions such as Christianity, Buddism, Lizard Worship and even Cow-Worship and more to convert to in near future. It does not hurt to get as many votes for Khatami from as many minorities as possible. Most of the minorities and nationalist were actually murdered under Khatamis presidency such Dariush and Parvaneh Frohar.

Iranian is "ancient name" but Afghans never heard of word "Iranian" until 18 century. Strangely the word "Iranian" is not used in any old history books written prior to 18 century. Nobody in Afghanistan calls himself "Iranian".

Tune in for the Next Episode of "Azeri Turk Saturday Live Show from Tehran or popularily known as "Tabriz-Angeles".

1 comment:

cameron said...

wow. I am just a shahnameh fan. check out: